Oddities of the Crater
This page groups all the curious things and lifeforms the Crater keeps secret.
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Kelpie mouths / Nibblings

(carnivorous plant)

This plant consists of multiple purple-ish leaves with white dots markings, and several "heads". These heads have jaws, with very small spikes resembling teeth, that can open and close at will. The plant also has some kind of pistils that can move as well. It can move and make some screeching noises when triggered.

The species has been named "Kelpie Mouths" by pegasi because of the resemblance between the plants' heads and the kelpies' jaws, and probably also because it is highly aggressive and will bite anything that comes too close. These plants bear another name for kelpies - nibblings. Though also referring to the plant's tendency to bite, that nickname sounds more affectionate and does not mention any resemblance to another species. It however belittles the roughness of their bites, minimizing it to a gnaw.

Only unicorns seem to be interested in eating these plants, consuming its digestive enzymes paired with other poisonous plants might be the key to unicorns' venomous abilities. With unicorns being extinct, and no other species to eat them, the plants have started to expand way more than they originally did.

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Drowned Beauties / Soul Flowers

(flowering plant)

These plants only grow underwater, on bones/remains of deceased creatures, which is why they are most likely to be found in lakes inhabited by kelpies, and can be a sign of their presence as they tend to eat their prey underwater. They have a lot of white/greyish roots, with pretty little white flowers that glow in the dark.

Pegasi uses these flowers for medicinal purposes. They seem to be used to treat health problems, but we don't know what they are used for yet.

The species has been named "Drowned Beauties" by pegasi because they grow underwater, on dead creatures' bones. Kelpies are calling them "Soul Flowers", in a more spiritual vision of the plant.

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