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The Crater is an important location in Water Demons. As its name suggests, it is a very big crater surrounded by mountain ranges. Its precise location on Earth and its size are unknown, but it is big enough to contain many different biomes, as well as its own ocean.



The Crater was apparently created millions of years before the story starts, most likely due to a huge meteor impact considering its incredible size. It is surrounded by chains of big mountains -notably The Great Mountain- and the recurrent cold and blizzards make it very difficult to access. Nature has taken its rights into the Crater, forming a lot of different biomes and environments that are home to many creatures. Different temperatures and weather are to be expected while traveling to the many places inside the Crater.



As the Crater is very difficult to reach, it is also very well protected from the rest of the world- especially from human influence. This land has never seen humans and is hidden enough to stay a healthy place. The security and resources provided by the Crater attract many endangered species. All the different biomes allow a lot of creatures to settle down and live their life in their natural environments, apart from the world and its problems. Even if the Crater is huge, the forced proximity between the diverse species can lead to tensions and territory disputes.



▪ The Crater's environment and biomes system were rather inspired by Minecraft, as the landscapes of the game have rough borders between its numerous environments just like the Crater.

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