Saltwater kelpies are one of the two species of kelpies that can be found in the Crater. They are large, carnivore equines that live in the saltwater side of the Crater's ocean.



Saltwater kelpies are generally bigger than freshwaters, they are also more slender looking. They have little fur tufts at the tip of their ears to feel the ocean currents and large red teeth. Their manes are usually very long, with some kelp growing on them, as well as their tails which are fluffier than their freshwater counterparts.



Just like the freshwater kelpies, saltwaters have a lot of feline-like behavior.

They are highly sociable creatures, and can't survive without their herd. Herds are mostly composed of twenty kelpies *more or less*, all led by a dominant one who is generally the strongest of the herd. The dominant one is the kelpie who will choose the territory and make important decisions for the herd's well-being.

No matter the gender, kelpies will groom and play with each other, developing very deep bonds with their herdmates, like a big family. Males and females will take care of the newborns and relay themselves to allow some free time for the mothers.
Saltwater kelpie (equus venator aquamarina)
Also called Water Demons, salties
Average size ~4m
Lifespan ~200y
Diet Strictly carnivore
Environment Seashores, oceans, abysses
Status Endangered
Known characters from this species
none for now.

Known hybrids characters
Saltwater foals on the beach.

Nest and relationship to the ocean
Saltwaters kelpies, as their name suggests, strictly live in salt water. The ocean is their home, and they don't usually get too far from it, but they enjoy coming to the beaches to explore the surface.

The herd will make a big nest, halfway between the surface and the abysses, where they will take care of the foals and take some rest. The nest almost looks like a little village, where all herd members will have a private place to sleep.

Depiction of saltwater kelpies running on the seaside.

Hunting tactics
Kelpies are highly tactical creatures, and saltwaters always use the same hunting method, as they will only focus on big prey to feed most of the herd at once. They will mostly target sharks, whales, and other smaller marine mammals. They can also attack fish schools when they have the occasion.

▪ The ones with pale stripes, mostly with red and brown pelts, who usually hunt near the kelp roots -which are pale in color-. They act like beaters and will lead/contain/weaken the prey to make it easier for the other group.

▪ The ones with dark stripes, mostly with orange pelts, wait near the surface, using their stripes to blend in the kelp. They save their energy and wait for the right moment to strike and kill the prey.

But saltwaters will also gladly welcome little snacks they can find on the beaches.

Abilities and powers


Kelp vines : The ability to grow kelp vines and lianas from the mane ; mostly used for self-defense, or hunting.
Natural strength : Kelpies are very strong creatures, they are known to kick hard, and their bite is very powerful, crushing bones and flesh under their strong jaws.
Abyssal form : check the page about the abyssal form for more information.



▪ It has been stated that freshwater kelpies evolved from saltwaters to be able to survive in rivers and lakes.
▪ Unlike freshwater kelpies, saltwater kelpies are not domesticated, due to the complexity of recreating a herd in captivity, and their need for salt water.
▪ Their teeth are red, contrary to freshwaters', due to higher iron concentration in them - resulting in stronger teeth.

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