Noctules are a species of predator known to strike at night. Just like kelpies, they are apex predators when they are adults.



Noctules can resemble many species of cervids (elk, deer, reindeer, moose). They are known to grow all their lives, which explains why there can be individuals of very different sizes.

All males and females noctules have antlers, which are called their "crowns". The crown seems to be something important to noctules. They all have bat-like wings, and small to medium-length fluffy tails.

They don't have any other teeth besides their incredibly long movable fangs, which are reddish/pink at the tip. It has been stated that males usually have these canines at the front of their mouths, while females have them at the back of their mouths. Noctules can have one to four canines in total. It has been observed that they don't have any tongue. They can open their mouth incredibly wide in a very uncanny way, to make sure prey fit in it.



Not much is known about noctules' behavior yet. As their name suggests, they are fully nocturnal and will never be out during the daytime.

Hunt and feeding
If noctules are so feared, it's because of their main hunting tactic which consists of copying/mimicking cultural songs of other species, noises, and sometimes voices. They spend a lot of time observing their surroundings and other creatures, learning more about them to hunt the individuals later. The life quality of a noctule depends on their ability to analyze/observe and their mimicking talent. They will lure other species to their hiding spot and will wait for the good moment to come out of the shadows and attack.
Noctule (volantem arreptitius cervus)
Also called Shadow demons, vampire deers
Average size variable (always keeps growing while aging)
Lifespan +500y
Diet Strictly hematophagous
Environment caves, burrows, dense forests, dark places
Status Vulnerable
Known characters from this species

Known hybrids characters
Noctules can't produce hybrids.
They will hunt all kinds of prey, mostly big ones. Noctules are only interested in fresh blood, and will not waste their time with tiny prey or carrion. They will suck the blood through their fangs like mosquitos do. As they suck all the blood off their victims, it is almost impossible to survive a noctule attack, especially considering the length of their fangs which destroys the flesh and bones of their catches. Once they're done, they will leave the prey's envelope behind; noctules are known to have a pretty slow metabolism and can survive for weeks without the need to feed. However, when they are hungry, they become very agitated.

Noctule nest on a cave ceiling.
It has been stated that noctules will only form couples for a short period, and with different partners during their lifetime. Noctules find their partners by judging their mimicking abilities and will prefer a mate who sings well and knows a lot of songs. Once the mating is done, males and females will go on their respective sides; it's the female who will have to build an "egg sac", usually in dark caves, in corners, or ceilings. She will put many babies -usually between ten and twenty babies- in this well-protected shell, before leaving it for good. Noctules don't raise their offspring, but the babies who will hatch some weeks after will be fully ready to hunt on their own. Sadly, not many babies will reach adulthood, which is probably why noctules have so many babies in each litter.

Fawns are floating in some sort of liquid when they are in the nest. They are not squished.

Interactions with other species
It is known that noctules and kelpies can share the same territory, as they are nocturnal while kelpies are diurnal. Most noctules are pretty chill when they're not in the hunt, but some like The Mountain King have shown aggressive behavior towards trespassers.

Pegasi heavily dislike noctules' presence on their territory. Noctules can spend days hidden within the Nest, or around it, to listen to pegasi talks and songs, studying them to hunt them later. Pegasi have to remain very careful during night time, as noctules are known to be masters at ambush.
Noctules traps are set all around the Nest, and any unfortunate shadow demon that will fall for it will not be able to escape alive.

But overall, the bad reputation of noctules is heavily exagerrated, as most of them will focus regular deers and other animals to feed themselves. Noctules are not so aggressive and will show curiosity to anything they don't know, without necessarily attacking it.

Abilities and powers


Mimicking : Noctules have an excellent memory, and will learn other species voices/songs to lure them.
Hematophagy : Noctules can suck up blood through their fangs, similarly as mosquitoes. Their mouth can open very wide in an uncanny way to unsure prey fit in it.
Flight : They can fly, but prefer to glide and jump. Their wings help them to hold prey and to climb caves' walls. Too big noctules loses this ability.



▪ Noctules are a darker version of perytons, which are deer-like winged creatures. They are also very inspired by vampires.
▪ Their ability to sing was inspired by the Chanting Winged Dame from Elden Ring.

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