Unicorns are an equine species that could be found in The Crater. They are considered an extinct species.
Their fate is yet unknown.



Unicorns are tall and slender equines with mostly white and greyish coats, sometimes blueish. The coat is very thick, meant to keep them warm in the cold biomes, and the wool can be used for various crafts. Some lighter and darker dots can be observed on the fur, which is very thick. They have a long thin tail, ending with a fur tuft, and very long manes.

The major characteristic of the unicorns is the big red horn on the top of their skull. The horn can be various shapes and placement, but always on the top part of the unicorn's skull.



Not much is known about unicorn behavior for now, apart from the fact they had a symbiotic relationship with pegasi. They were apparently very protective of them and shared the hate of the predator species.

They seemed to be creatures made to resist the cold, though it was observed that unicorns could handle temperate climate too.

Special diet
Unicorns were known to eat specific types of plant (carnivorous and venomous plants, like kelpie mouths for example) in order to keep their blood being toxic to predators. They played a huge role in the regulation of these plants species back then, and since they dissapeared, these plants are spreading without control.
Unicorn (equus unicornis)
Also called Snow ghosts
Average size ~3m
Lifespan ~200y
Diet Herbivore
Environment Snowy mountains, fields, forests (cold biomes prefered)
Status Extinct
Known characters from this species
none for now.

Known hybrids characters
Unicorn skull, still has some decaying fur on it.
Adult unicorns were known to wear armors most of the time. These armors were made to keep them safe from "demons" attacks (kelpies and noctules). The armors were made of various metals and gemstones, and designed to perfectly match the body types/capacities of each individuals. The armors were not crafter by unicorns and pegasi, but by wyverns -creatures we haven't met in the webcomic yet-.

Symbiosis with pegasi
Unicorns were known to live in complete symbiosis with pegasi, sharing the same home, the same traditions, and even mixing with eachother. While pegasi's science were helping both species progressing, unicorns were the ones protecting the whole clan from demons. Now that they are gone, it is clear pegasi still carry on their memory, and are trying to adapt without their protection.
Depiction of a fully grown unicorn.

Unicorns have dissapeared from the world for unknown reasons. Kelpies doesn't seem to know the cause of it, but it is unknown if pegasi knows.

The only things they left behind are they decaying bodies and skeletons, that can be found all over the world, in very various places.

Venomous blood
Any predator knew that trying to eat a unicorn was a bad idea. Unicorns, thanks to their special diet, were able to produce a very toxic blood. The blood was corrosive, burning everything it touches, and was known to be awfully painful. Just hurting the unicorn and touching the blood can cause damages. Unicorns were immune to their own species' venom.

The blood was what gave its characteristic red color to their horns. They were able to splash venom directly on their opponents weak body parts (eyes, face), but also to inject it directly by stabbing the horn in the flesh. The venom was very fast acting, able to kill a freshwater kelpie in some hours. They was no antidote known to escape the awful fate of burning from the inside.

Abilities and powers


Natural strenght : Unicorn were very strong, totally able to rivalize with kelpies. Additionaly, their armors were making them very well protected.
Venomous blood : As explained above, unicorns were using their venomous blood to kill predators.
Cold resistance : With their thick coats, unicorns were fully isolated from the cold.



▪ The unicorns from Water Demons universe are heavily inspired by the original unicorn myth depicting white horses with a unique horn on the forehead.
▪ The fact they all disappeared was very inspired by The Last Unicorn, a fantasy novel written by Peter S. Beagle.
▪ Heimdall is the only known creature who still bears unicorn blood in her veins.

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