Heimdall is one of the main protagonists in Water Demons.
She is the current Vicereine of the pegasi clan, and obviously, a unicorn/pegasus hybrid.



As a hybrid, Heimdall mixes traits from both her parents' species. Though, she seems to have taken more from the unicorn side, with her slender look, her white fur, long ears and tail, and obviously the red horn on her snout. She has feathers growing in her fur and base tail, and a little feather crest on her forehead.
Her wings are very big, with the characteristic three segments of the pegasi. She also has the typical black eyes of a pegasus, with yellowish pupils.



Called "Vicereine" by the other members of her clan, it is clear that Heimdall is very respected even if she is still very young and that her role is unclear for now. She seems to be the first one pegasi guards wants to talk to. Though she doesn't seem to be fully in charge of things, her mother is the one who gives orders for now.
She seems quite worried about the brutality of her mother's choice regarding demons. Even when the Enchantress scolds her on her empathy, Heimdall doesn't seem fully convinced about her mother's methods, but is still doubtful about the demons and the way she has to treat them. Heimdall seems lost about it all.



The Enchantress
As a daughter, and still a young filly, Heimdall does what her mother says. Though, she doesn't seem to fully agree with her mother on the subject of demons, even though she does what the Enchantress expect from her most of the time.

Heimdall enjoys the company of her pegasus cousin Meteora, with who she can have a break from her vicereine role. He is often checking on her and trying to cheer her up, knowing the difficulties of his beloved cousin.



▪ Heimdall's name comes from Heimdall, a god from Norse mythology.
▪ The horn of her snout was heavily inspired by rhinoceroses' horns. It is not fully red, due to her young age.
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Gender Female
Species Unicorn x Pegasus
Age Filly
Status Alive
Relatives The Enchantress (mother)
Former Viceroy (father)
Meteora (cousin)
Nicknames Vicereine, the semi-unicorn, Heimy
First debuts Episode 8 : Wings of Misgivings

Heimdall during a thunderstorm.

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