Other species
This page groups all the other species of the Crater as well as infos on hybrids.
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Kiersten, a semi-kelpie.

Also called freaks/wonders of nature
Naming A hybrid is called "semi-", attached to the species they most resemble. A good example is Heimdall, who is called a semi-unicorn, and not a semi-pegasus, while technically, both appellations are right.

Hybrids are the outcome of a marriage between two different species. Hybrids come in various shapes, sizes, and colors. Usually, they take more from one parent than the other, but perfect in-betweens (in appearance) can occur. The look of the hybrid offspring is completely random, meaning that two hybrids of the same species can look drastically different. It is important to note that even if they share traits of a said species, it is not automatically functional (for example: some unicorn hybrids have a horn, but no venom).

They are rare, considering most species don't often mix, and having a healthy hybrid offspring is quite unlikely. Hybrids, with their unusual look and abilities, have a completely hazardous fate. It is impossible to know if they will stay healthy, and what is their lifespan. It is also impossible to predict their definitive appearance over time, as it is subject to change with the years. It is important to note that some hybrids are fertile and some are not, all thanks to the hazards. Only species that are close enough can produce hybrids (for example, a noctule and a kelpie can't have any offspring). A hybrid can have offspring with the species they resemble the most, and can eventually give birth to a normal-looking individual, even if they might have some minor tweaks (not enough to be considered a hybrid). Two hybrids can't have offspring together, mixing genes too much will not have good consequences...

Not only their appearance have both parents' traits; but their behavior, and instincts, will also be determined by their parents' species, which can be quite conflicting for the hybrid creature, and has been depicted as a form of suffering in the case of Kiersten. Hybrids are seen either as freaks or wonders of nature, depending on the vision. Some are celebrated for their incredible existence, and others are totally hated because of their nature. It obviously has a lot to do with the two species they are coming from.

Known hybrid characters -

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Also called dragon sheep
Average size ~1.70m
Lifespan ~80y
Diet Omnivorous
Environment Plains, forests
Status Vulnerable

Woolies share common traits with sheep - a large part of their body is covered in wool, which helps them regulate their temperature. The wool can vary a lot from one woolie to another - some have soft, thin wool that is closer to regular fur, some have extra-thick wool, and some have an almost hard, scale-like texture to their wool. Both fur and wool come in a large spectrum of colors, generally muted tones. Their forelegs are hooved, with two toes present, and they have three, non-hooved, toes on their hindlegs, with sharp claws. The mix of hooves and claws allows them to be steady on any kind of surface, Woolies are notable for climbing steep slopes and walking harsh paths. They have stocky bodies, though they look thin due to their length, Their body is long - very long, with legs that are quite tall as well. They have a long, thin tail generally ending with an arrow, though other shapes have been observed. The tip of the tail is mostly used to slap or make noise when needed.

They have rectangular pupils that allow a large peripheral vision since Woolies are prey to apex predators. Their ears are very moveable, and they have a sharp sense of hearing, they rely a lot on it to both hunt and escape. They have sharp, small triangular teeth, perfect to pierce the flesh of small animals they feed on, but also perfect to cut leaves and grab all kinds of fruits they also eat. Dimorphism The dimorphism in Woolies is easily noticeable, many characteristics differ from males to females. Male woolies have large tusks, either on their upper or lower jaw, used for both fighting and impressing. Their horns are generally turned upwards. A variable number of spikes grow on their back, in line.

Female woolies have no tusks, nor spikes on their back. They do have horns like the males do, though generally turned downwards. Colors, wool textures, and strength have nothing to do with dimorphism and are not dependent on a woolie's gender.

Known characters from this species -

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Also called water cats
Average size ~70cm tall
Lifespan ~100y
Diet Carnivore
Environment Lakes, rivers, kelp forests
Status Vulnerable

Jaguoons are shy and elusive water felines, who mostly feeds on fish and other species' remains. They are solitary creatures who don't really like contact with other species, despite their ability to talk. They make nests underwater to raise their kittens in safety.

These little creatures, despite their shy behavior, enjoy to share territories with freshwater kelpies, as they benefit their protection and the food they leave behind. They don't like to be approached by kelpies, but are not afraid of them, since most kelpies are not interested in such small prey anyway. They also appreciate the dense kelp forests kelpies grows in the water, as it helps them to hunt fish and other little aquatic animals.
It is not uncommon to see jaguoons getting closer to kelpies when they bring back prey to their lake; the felines will stay hidden until it's their turn to eat.

Their webbed paws and the fins on their body helps them to stay agile underwater, but it makes them less efficient on land. They can breathe perfectly underwater, without needed to go to the surface for oxygen.

Jaguoons suffers from water pollution and human hunting, leading to a decrease in their numbers with the years passing by. They only set nests in pure water, so their presence is a good indicator for that matter.

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