The Enchantress is one of the most important members of the pegasi clan.
She is a pegasus with a very unusual appearance.



The Enchantress is quite different looking from the other pegasi; she is hiding herself under a striped cloak, made of a kelpie skin. Some parts of her body can't be hidden, such as her beak, wings, hooves, and tail.

She seems to miss most of her feathers, to the point her skin is clearly visible, with some reminiscent feathers and quills still showing. Her wings appear severely damaged, and her tail is made of very long and pointy quills. Her eyes are black, with golden pupils, and have eyelashes-shaped markings around them. Her ears are not visible.



It is evident that she has a big role in the pegasi hierarchy. She is seen collecting information and giving orders to the guards when the Vicereine is not present, even if her Enchantress role is not very clear at the moment.

She doesn't seem to show much emotion for anything. She remains calm and very confident towards every other pegasi, including her daughter Heimdall. Even when a terrible event occurs, she stays calm and doesn't show any visible emotion. The Enchantress doesn't seem to have any consideration for the "demons" she would like to get rid of, and it is clear that she sees them as a major threat to pegasi.



As a mother, the Enchantress is shown giving lessons to her daughter about leadership and demons, even though Heimdall seems to have a higher rank in the hierarchy. She believes that her daughter's empathy is not something good for the pegasi as a whole. She is satisfied of Heimdall when she does what she tasked her to do.



▪ Her cloak is obviously made from a saltwater kelpie's hide. The way she got it is unknown.
▪ The cloak is heavily inspired by caparisons, a cloth covering laid over horses for protection and decoration, generally seen in tournament fights.
▪ The head part of the cloak is very similar to the symbolic clothing of medieval executioners.
▪ She seems to lack most of her feathers, though it is not possible to verify because of the cloak she is wearing. It is currently unknown why she is so different from other members of her species.
▪ "Skral" means meager/ill in Nordic languages such as Norwegian and Swedish. It was her official name before it was changed to "The Enchantress", hiding her true name in the actual comic.
▪ Her real name (if she has one) is unknown.
Placeholder Image

Gender Female
Species Pegasus
Age Adult
Status Alive
Relatives Former Viceroy (mate)
Heimdall (daughter)
Meteora (nephew)
Nicknames Skral
First debuts Episode 8 : Wings of Misgivings

The Enchantress during a thunderstorm.

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