Pegasi (singular pegasus) are an equine species found in The Crater.
They are medium-sized omnivores that can fly and share a lot of similarities with birds.



Pegasi come in various sizes, some tiny and some bigger, but they are still quite small compared to the other equine species. They have strongly-built bodies, with large wings composed of three segments. Their whole body is covered with feathers (no fur), which also covers their hooves. Their snouts are beak-like, and their ears look like very movable smaller wings. Eyes are all black, except for the pupils which are usually of a striking color. Their tails are exclusively made of feathers, coming in various shapes among individuals.

It has been stated that males have darker colored coats, while females have lighter main colors. Pegasi have a large diversity of coat colors and patterns.



Diet and communication
Pegasi are very bird-like. They can communicate over long distances using their characteristic whistling cries. They seem observant and cautious, preferring to stay in the air when unsure of their surroundings. The wings on their heads are very expressive.

Pegasi are not entirely herbivores, and even if their diet is mostly composed of plants and fruits, they will prey on small creatures from time to time, if a good occasion comes.

It has been stated that pegasi are attracted to the sky during the storms, and are known to "play with lightning".
Pegasus (equus pegasus)
Also called Bird horses
Average size variable (1.5m ~ 2m)
Lifespan ~130y
Diet Omnivorous
Environment variable (cold biomes prefered)
Status Vulnerable
Known characters from this species

Known hybrids characters
Nest and hierarchy
The Nest is the home of the Pegasi. They all live there, and even if not much was seen of it for now, it seems to have structures, craft garlands, mural arts, and so on, hinting that pegasi can build and craft in some ways.

They are led by the Viceroy/Vicereine, who is the highest rank of the pegasi hierarchy and can be considered as the leader. The Enchantress seems to have a powerful role too, but it is still obscure for now.
Representation of an hypothetic viceroy/vicereine.

Relation with the Moon
Pegasi have a strong connection with the Moon - their viceroy is the incarnation/living representative of it, which is why they have the highest rank in the pegasi hierarchy. The Nest was built on a mountain to be close to it. For now, we don't know how they exactly venerate the Moon.

Relationship with unicorns
Pegasi and unicorns were known to live together, in a symbiotic relationship. Unicorns were apparently very protective of pegasi. Heimdall's existence shows that unicorns and pegasi could mix and have offspring. Pegasi seems to still be carrying the memory of the unicorns through murals and such.

Unicorn and pegasus together.

Relationship with "demons"
Pegasi are mistrustful by nature. They are prey to bigger creatures, like noctules and kelpies, and will not stand a chance if caught due to their size, very light bodies, and lack of ways to defend themselves.

Pegasi are scared of kelpies and are actively trying to locate kelpies nests in the Crater. They are calling them "water demons", referencing the natural aquatic environment of kelpies, and their dangerous nature. They seem to be very cautious of the adults, but the guards have orders to kill any kelpie foal they could encounter if it's possible.
It is pretty much the same with noctules, and are calling them "shadow demons". Noctules are known to get much closer to pegasi's Nest than other predators.

Abilities and powers


Sharp beaks : Even without teeth, pegasi can bite hard.
Flight : Pegasi are not only able to fly, but are really good at doing acrobatics and complex figures in the sky.
Sharp feathers : some pegasi have very sharp feathers that can cut skin.



▪ The pegasi from Water Demons universe are heavily inspired by the original pegasus myth.

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