Freshwater kelpies are one of the two species of kelpies that can be found in the Crater.
They are large, carnivore equines that live in freshwater.



Freshwater kelpies are mostly of white and red shades ; they have medium-sized impermeable fur, ideal for a creature alternating between land and water. The major characteristic of their coats is their red stripes which can have various shapes and placement over their body. They are mostly strongly built, similar to draft horses, and despite spending most of their time in the water, they have no problem evolving on land as well, especially when it comes to hunting.

Their eyes react to the light similarly to felines, but the pupils also dilate and retract depending on the individual's emotions. Their large saber teeth are always visible, and their powerful jaws can crush bones and flesh without a problem. The tail is very long, contrary to the mane, and is usually short and straight like zebras.

They are known to be very resistant ; their skin is very thick, and their wounds heal very quickly when the water is pure. Unfortunately, water pollution is what they fear the most, as they can get sick very quickly and die. The lack of hydration can also be fatal to kelpies.



Despite being equines, freshwater kelpies resemble felines in behavior. They can purr, they groom themselves a lot, and they enjoy playing...

Territory and aggressivity
Kelpies will quit their parents' territory when reaching maturity, but they will not go too far. When they choose a territory, they become very protective of it, as it is where they can find what is the most important for them : pure water and quality prey. By settling down in a lake, they will create a red kelp forest, which will be home to various other small creatures.
Freshwater kelpie (equus venator aquadulcis)
Also called Water demons, freshies
Average size ~3m
Lifespan ~200y
Diet Strictly carnivore
Environment lakes, rivers, red kelp forests, forests
Status Endangered
Known characters from this species

Known hybrids characters
They tend to be very aggressive to other big predators (other kelpies, for example) and will chase them off their territory ; they don't necessarily take the risk of killing opponents unless they feel very threatened. Most kelpies will ignore smaller creatures on their territory and will not bother to hunt, as long as they are no threat. Even if they can eat any other creatures, kelpies will prefer bigger prey to not waste their efforts.

Reproduction and life cycle
When it's time to find a partner, kelpie stallions will usually start to wander off their territory to find a potential mate. Kelpies are known to mate for life, and the couple will share the same territory and resources. The species suffers from a very slow breeding rate, and it can take years for a couple to ever succeed to have a healthy foal. They will only breed if they have access to quality resources (mostly food and water). When the female is expecting, the couple will start building a nest underwater, made of kelp and other plants.

Foals are born with eyes and ears closed, are not able to stand up like most equines, and are very vulnerable. They entirely count on their parents to survive, and the mare will mostly stay in the nest as she is the one to feed the foal, but the male will also stay with the newborn to keep it warm when the female is gone. Kelpies become even more aggressive when they have a foal. After a few weeks, the foal can swim and discover the lake, but can't breathe the surface's air yet. It takes some months for a foal to be ready to go outside the water, and it is the most dangerous moment of their lives as they are usually very curious and develop their hunting instincts. This is why the parents need to be very attentive as a foal can quickly wander too far.

Adult kelpie in a swamp.
Kelpies reach adulthood around fifteen years old ; they will quit their parents' territory but will settle down not so far away if that's possible. They will mostly search for a territory with a lot of lakes, rivers, and swamps. After a kelpie decides to claim a lake as its own, a red kelp forest will start to grow inside it, which is an evident sign of a kelpie's presence.

Hunting tactics
Their red stripes offer them the ability to blend perfectly in the red kelp forests ; this way, they can ambush prey who would come drinking/swimming in the lake without being noticed too early. If no prey is coming, kelpies will not let themselves starve and will go off the water. They can hide in the forest's vegetation as well, but will also try to attack big animal herds. They are mostly looking for deer-sized prey, and even if they live in the water, they don't eat fish.

They use their powerful jaws to break their prey's neck, but will also use their kelp vines to prevent prey from hurting/escaping them. Kelpies like to do the work as quickly as possible to return hiding in their lake without being noticed by their freshly killed prey. They will mostly hunt during the day to avoid conflict with nocturnal predators.
Depiction of a kelpie hiding in a red kelp forest.

Bad reputation
Their "vicious" ambush-hunting tactics and the fact they can practically kill any creature (even bigger than them), made them have a very bad reputation among the other creatures. The Crater is no exception ; nobody wants to see the water demons, and waters have become very scary for most critters. Foals are often the target of other species, as they see an occasion to get rid of a future predator. Many rumors, legends, and songs have been created about them, inspired by the fear of the kelpie. One of the most common myths is that their red stripes are made with their victims' blood.

Despite all that, kelpies are mostly minding their own business and are not necessarily cruel creatures. They are essential to their environment.

Abilities and powers


Kelp vines : The ability to grow kelp vines and lianas from the mane ; mostly used for self-defense, or hunting.
Natural strength : Kelpies are very strong creatures, they are known to kick hard, and their bite is very powerful, crushing bones and flesh under their strong jaws.
Abyssal form : check the page about the abyssal form for more information.



▪ The kelpies from Water Demons universe are heavily inspired by the original kelpie who comes from scottish and irish cultures, though they have notable different and unique elements to make them more unique.
▪ Originally named "zebra kelpies" due to their stripes, it was decided that the other characters would call them just "kelpies".
▪ The species can be tamed by humans ; but the foals have to be born in captivity to maximise its chances of being docile and obedient as they are highly dangerous creatures. Wild kelpies are completely untamable.

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